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Maspeth Avenue is an 8-acre property located in the Williamsburg/Greenpoint industrial area of northern Brooklyn. This property is made up of both the former gasoline terminal of Gaseteria Oil Corp., which was decommissioned in 2003, and the former waste oil terminal of BCF, which was an EPA designated “Superfund” site that LargaVista purchased in 2004. LargaVista negotiated a voluntary consent order with EPA and NYSDEC for this site, which was marked with significant hazardous materials, including PCBs, in addition to significant hydrocarbon contamination. LargaVista was able to get the site delisted, and after working closely with NYSDEC and spending millions to remediate both sites, it received “No Further Action” letters on February 15, 2017 and October 29, 2014 respectively for both parcels. The collective site has been improved and leased to FedEx to expand its local logistics capacity. As one of the few remaining under-developed, large-scale last mile sites in New York City, 364 Maspeth Avenue is well-positioned for additional future development.